RealClimate finalist for "Best Religious Blog" in Weblog Awards

Worthy nomination

The 2009 Weblogs didn’t actually get to that stage before they pulled the plug, but RC got the second highest number of nominations in the Best Religious Blog category. My friend over at Soylent Green had a lot to do with it, apparently, and writes (proudly):

Well, the votes are in for the 2009 Weblog Awards. And even though the creators cancelled this year’s contest, that’s not going to stop a-holes like us from finishing our Holy mission–especially when we’ve been hatching this plot for two months.

Therefore, we–being McGoo and I–have totaled the nominating votes and declare Real Climate a Best Religious Blog Weblog Award Finalist for 2009.

The top four vote recipients, in order, were:

  1. One Cosmos 253
  2. RealClimate 149
  3. Hare Krsna 33
  4. Wild Hunt. 29 (complete totals are available for vote denialists)

Reaction to the vote has been brisk. See what others have said…

“It validates everything I’ve been preaching since 2006. I’ve done a Christian [-based] training program; I have a Muslim training program and a Jewish training program coming up, also a Hindu program coming up. I trained 200 Christian ministers and lay leaders here in Nashville in a version of the slide show that is filled with scriptural references. It’s probably my favourite version, but I don’t use it very often because it can come off as proselytising.”—Al Gore

“It has it’s own High Priests and it’s own Holy Writ.” — Ian Plimer

“Bwuhahahahahahahahahahahahaha.” — Christopher Lord Monckton

“Real what?”—Michael Mann

[Snip – this is a family blog – Ed].”—Gavin Schmidt

“Phil’s not here, Mann.”—Phil Jones

“I’m pleased the voters could see the forrest for the trees.”—Keith Briffa

Great stuff – read it here (obscenity alert!). Also check out the original post hatching the plan here.


  1. Thought you’d like that one.

  2. Simon, I’m somewhat insulted. It took about 7 hours before the designated RealClimate troll showed up. Seven hours? I thought these people were hep to Al Gore’s inventing the hyperverse. Seven hours is an eon in hyperverse time.
    I expected better from their trolls.