Greta Thunberg is a hysterical child who should be ignored by sensible adults

Should be seen and not heard

Climate “saviour” Greta Thunberg speaking at the UN overnight made for some extremely painful watching.

It was painful not because of the apocalyptic message that she was trying to convey, but because of her childish, petulant and hysterical overreaction to the non-issue of modern-day climate change, something the planet has endured (and survived) for four and a half billion years.

It was painful because she is the product of a family, a society and a progressive media that is happy to elevate a kid with serious mental health issues to a level of exposure and publicity that will surely damage her even more.

I wonder how long it will take for any remaining sensible adults in the room to realise it is time to stop listening to a hysterical child when determining policies that will affect billions of people.

Latest idiotic buzz-phrase from the UN: “Climate apartheid”


As the climate scare continues to lose traction with the vast majority of ordinary people who are simply getting on with life, the hysteria becomes ever more extreme. Embarrassingly enough, this guy is an Aussie, and seemingly has no qualms about attaching one of the most politically charged words in our vocabulary to the issue of climate change:

The world is increasingly at risk of “climate apartheid”, where the rich pay to escape heat and hunger caused by the escalating climate crisis while the rest of the world suffers, a report from a UN human rights expert has said.

Philip Alston, UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, said the impacts of global heating are likely to undermine not only basic rights to life, water, food, and housing for hundreds of millions of people, but also democracy and the rule of law. (source)

But according to Alston, there are “some positive developments”, including, apparently, the actions of eco-terrorist group Extinction Rebellion, and the contribution of bizarre parental plaything Greta Thunberg.

I think that really tells you all you need to know…

Insanity: Australia to give $200 million to UN climate fund

Where's the handbag now, Julie?

Where’s the handbag now, Julie?

Seriously, are we out of our collective freaking minds? After all the good news stories recently, it has to be spoiled by this.

Here’s what the Green Climate Fund is all about:

The Fund will contribute to the achievement of the ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In the context of sustainable development, the Fund will promote the paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways by providing support to developing countries to limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the impacts of climate change, taking into account the needs of those developing countries particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. The Fund will be guided by the principles and provisions of the Convention.

In other words, it is essentially guided by the alarmists of the IPCC, with all their fudged data, hysterical crystal-ball gazing and scaremongering nonsense. And we are handing over $200 million? That would pay for an awful lot of nurses, policemen and teachers. We must be insane:

The Federal Government has announced it will contribute $200 million to an international fund designed to help developing nations tackle climate change.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced the funding at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru.

The money, which will be paid over four years from Australia’s aid program, will go to the UN’s Green Climate Fund (GCF), which aims to fund projects in poorer countries.

“Our pledge to the Green Climate Fund will facilitate private sector-led economic growth in our region … with a particular focus on investment, infrastructure, energy, forestry and emissions reductions,” Ms Bishop told the conference.

“I welcome the fact that participating countries have delivered on undertakings to capitalise the Green Climate fund and with Australia’s contribution have reached a significant total in excess of $10 billion to date.

“It is now contingent on all of us to make sure the Green Climate Fund funds are distributed efficiently, transparently and to maximum effect.”

I think I need to have a lie down…

2014: Hottest year EVAH! No, it isn’t.

Satellites don't lie, unlike the UN and WMO

Satellites don’t lie, unlike the UN and WMO

The World Meteorological Organisation, an arm of the UN, is working itself up into a climate-gasm at the possibility of 2014 being the Hottest Year Evah™.

Strangely enough, this is at precisely the same time that climate talks in Lima, organised by, er, the UN, are trying to encourage the world to take urgent action on climate change. Coincidence? You be the judge.

Here’s the statement. [Read more…]

Result! Coalition slashes funds to UN climate scroungers

Snouts out of the trough

Snouts out of the trough

It’s a drop in the ocean, to be sure, but at least it is in the right direction. The ABC, naturally, is inconsolable:

The Federal Government has slashed funding to a key United Nations environment agency by more than 80 per cent, stunning environmental groups ahead of a global climate change summit in Peru.

The ABC has learned the Government cut $4 million from the UN Environment Program (UNEP), which provides advice on environmental policies and climate change negotiations.

“Whether it’s air pollution, whether it’s ozone depleting substances, what’s happening in the world’s oceans, the conservation of biodiversity – for a relatively small amount, Australia benefits from leveraging well over $500 million in contributions that other countries make,” UNEP’s executive director Achim Steiner said.

Australia was due to contribute around $1.2 million this year, but has only offered $200,000.

Over the next four years it will scale back its funding by $4 million. (source)

Only a few billion to go, then…

Lima: latest in long line of pointless climate gab-fests

Life is tough on the climate bandwagon…

Life is tough on the climate bandwagon…

Billions of taxpayer dollars will be pissed up the wall yet again, sending environmental rent-seekers and trough-feeders to an exotic luxury hotel to tell the world how to control the weather.

But don’t forget, the big one is in Paris next year, so this is just the warm-up. Hopefully, Paris will be just as successful as Copenhagen.

Typically, the ABC has one of its regular enviro-gasms:

Representatives from almost 200 nations have begun arriving in the Peruvian capital, Lima, for UN climate talks that get underway on Monday.

Delegates will meet for 10 days to work on a new deal to limit rising greenhouse gas emissions, meant to be agreed at a summit in Paris in December next year.

Christiana Figueres, the executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, has described the talks as a “stepping stone” towards a universal treaty.

“Never before have the risks of climate change been so obvious and the impacts so visible,” she said in a statement ahead of the meeting.

“Never before have we seen such a desire at all levels of society to take climate action.

“Never before has society had all the smart policy and technology resources to curb greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience.”

Pledges in recent weeks by China, the United States and the European Union to limit emissions have helped brighten prospects for a new global deal, even though it is likely to be too weak to match UN calls for deep cuts to limit heatwaves, droughts and rising seas. (source)

Worse than Groundhog Day.

Australia to UN: no more “socialism masquerading as environmentalism”

What the UN does best…

What the UN does best…

Watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside. Environmental propaganda being used to implement another ideology is as old as the hills. So it’s about time the UN’s “climate aid” was called out for what it was. And no more syphoning of Aussie taxpayer dollars to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats at the UN:

FEDERAL cabinet has ruled that Australia will not sign up to any new contributions, taxes or charges at this week’s global summit on climate change, in a significant toughening of its stance as it plans to move within days to repeal the carbon tax.

Cabinet ministers have decided to reject any measures of “socialism masquerading as environmentalism” after meeting last week to consider a submission on the position the government would take to the Warsaw conference.

A further document was produced after the meeting that outlines the government’s position.

The Australian has seen part of the document and it declares that, while Australia will remain “a good international citizen” and remains “committed to achieving the 5 per cent reduction” by 2020 of the 2000 levels of emissions, it will not sign up to any new agreement that involves spending money or levying taxes.

This rules out Australia playing any role in a wealth transfer from rich countries to developing nations to pay them to decrease their carbon emissions.

The decision hardens the nation’s approach to the UN’s negotiations amid a renewed push from less-developed countries this week for $100 billion a year in finance to deal with climate change.

Cabinet decided that Australia would consider joining a new scheme after 2015, but only if all the major global economies did likewise.

Senior ministers believe there is absolutely no chance of that happening.

The Abbott government has explicitly decided that it will not agree to any payments or accept any liabilities as part of any carbon agreement.

The government’s document also says that Australia “will not support any measures which are socialism masquerading as environmentalism”. (source)

Tell it like it is.

Coalition to UN climate talks: F*** OFF!!

Shove it, bitch

Shove it, bitch

Bravo! The new Coalition government in Australia give the big finger to the latest UN climate gab-fest:

AUSTRALIA has downgraded its role in global climate change negotiations and will not send a minister to the UN conference being held in Poland from next week.

The federal government confirmed yesterday that Environment Minister Greg Hunt would not have a role at the international gathering, while Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, who has responsibility for all international negotiations in the Abbott government, said she was too busy to attend.

Australia’s climate change ambassador Justin Lee left Australia yesterday for the Warsaw meeting, which is aiming to progress talks for a global agreement that includes China, India and the US by 2015.

Ms Bishop is scheduled to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting meeting in Sri Lanka next week but this is the week before ministers from other nations were due to attend the UNFCCC conference. Mr Hunt will be in Australia introducing legislation to scrap the carbon tax introduced by the former Labor government.

Neither Ms Bishop nor Mr Hunt appointed a parliamentary secretary to replace them, as has been done in the past.

Confirmation that Australia would not send a parliamentary representative followed a last-minute decision on Wednesday to scrap briefings with business and climate lobby groups to outline Australia’s position.

The warmenistas just can’t understand it:

Climate Institute chief executive John Connor said Australia’s decision not to send a minister sent “an unusual signal to the rest of the world”.

“Australia punches above its weight in international forums such as the UN conference and this can work in both a positive and negative way,” Mr Connor said.

Opposition climate spokesman Mark Butler said the “unprecedented decision by the Coalition sends a very strong message to the world that the Australian government doesn’t care about climate change”.

At last, the correct priorities are returning.


UN: NSW fires are “paying the price” for carbon



UPDATE: It is pointed out, quite correctly, that a 0.8 degree increase in global temperature isn’t going to make the slightest bit of difference to bushfire frequency or intensity. Any such change would be swamped by the effects of ongoing failures to properly manage bushfire risk and draconian restrictions on clearing imposed by, er, the Greens.

More utter nonsense about the NSW bushfires, this time from the UN’s Christiana Figueres:

The executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres, says the fires prove the world is “already paying the price of carbon”.

“The World Meteorological Organisation has not established the direct link between this wildfire and climate change yet, but what is absolutely clear is that the science is telling us there are increasing heatwaves in Asia, Europe and Australia,” she told CNN.

“These [heatwaves] will continue. They will continue in their intensity and in their frequency.” (source)

Steve Goddard shows the idiocy of this kind of claim:

UPDATE 2: A couple of Tweets to La Figueres:

Rio+20 Earth Summit fizzles in the rain

Epic fail

UPDATE 2: Christopher Booker writes in The Telegraph:

The great global warming scare has long been dying on its feet, but that sad fiasco of a conference in Rio last week saw it finally dead and buried. “It’s pathetic, it’s appalling,” wailed a spokesman for WWF, one of the thousands of green activists who flew to Rio, many at taxpayers’ expense, to see the last rites read over their lost dream. Their cause has even been abandoned by one of its most outspoken champions, the green guru James Lovelock of “Gaia” fame, who now admits that the warming scare was all a tragic mistake, and that talk of “sustainable development” is just “meaningless drivel”.

UPDATE: George Monbiot describes the draft UN text as “283 paragraphs of fluff” and quotes one of them as follows in the Guardian:

“This paragraph from the declaration sums up the problem for me:

We recognise that the planet Earth and its ecosystems are our home and that Mother Earth is a common expression in a number of countries and regions and we note that some countries recognise the rights of nature in the context of the promotion of sustainable development. We are convinced that in order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environment needs of present and future generations, it is necessary to promote harmony with nature.”

It sounds lovely, doesn’t it? It could be illustrated with rainbows and psychedelic unicorns and stuck on the door of your toilet. But without any proposed means of implementation, it might just as well be deployed for a different function in the same room.” (source)

Another pointless gab fest out of the way, and we can be glad that no progress was made towards the UN’s goal of global economic shutdown. The UK Telegraph‘s warmist Geoffrey Lean is not happy:

Even the skies wept. Glorious weather bathed Rio de Janeiro for the week running up to the Earth Summit, while some hope remained that it might produce even minor measures to tackle the world’s escalating environmental crises. But when the leaders flew in on Wednesday to rubber-stamp an agreement shorn of commitments to action, the rain started falling – and didn’t let up, culminating in a thunderstorm on the final morning.

It is always a bad sign when a UN conference ends on time: if anything substantive is at stake, these unwieldy gatherings of 190 governments invariably overrun, only reaching resolution in the early hours of the morning. So it says much about the inconsequentiality of the agreement in Rio that it was finalised even before the meeting began.

Brazil, as host country, was desperate to avoid a repeat of the Copenhagen climate summit, where the leaders found little agreed when they arrived and had to try to do the job themselves. Confronted with the failure of two years of negotiations to agree even an anodyne and non‑binding accord, Brazil watered it down even further and rammed it through: the 100 or so presidents and prime ministers were effectively confined to self-congratulatory speeches and public relations photo-calls.

But the effect was a greater failure. For at least in the Danish capital the leaders tried – and almost succeeded – to get agreement on ambitious measures. In Rio nothing was even attempted, despite the increasing urgency of action needed to combat overfishing, pollution of the seas, loss of soils, climate change and a host of other growing crises. (source)