Warmist apostacy: the climate jihadists strike

The warmists are coming to get you…

The warmist mob is coming to get you…

The intolerance of the climate caliphate makes Boko Haram look like the Salvation Army.

Just as the soldiers of Allah must not be impeded from spreading their message through the lands of the infidels, and any apostate sentenced to death, so must any convert from the religion of climate alarmism be similarly punished.

Only last night I was at a lecture given by the great conservative philosopher Roger Scruton (thanks to the IPA), and the threads that ran through his subjects were free speech, political correctness and the suppression of dissent.

There is an ‘accepted’ (PC) view on important issues in our society, such as climate change, gay marriage, immigration, integration etc – if you want to know what they are, just tune in to the ABC, or read the Sydney Morning Herald or the Melbourne Age. Those media organisations subscribe wholesale to the PC bible.

Anyone who dares to question those views (or even suggests debating the issues at all) is immediately ostracised and labelled: denier, homophobe, Islamophobe, racist – whichever fits best. If there isn’t a suitable label ready and waiting, just make one up (easiest way is by adding -phobe to the end of an existing word). Once labelled thus, you can be sure those blasphemers won’t be speaking out on the subject again in a hurry.

So this kind of behaviour from the liberal establishment shouldn’t surprise us in the least. It’s true to form. But even given all the above, this is staggering.

A 79-year old meteorologist has been hounded out of a position at the sceptical Global Warming Policy Foundation – after only three weeks – by a shameless and vile campaign of intimidation, as his letter of resignation evidences:

Dear Professor Henderson,

I have been put under such an enormous group pressure in recent days from all over the world that has become virtually unbearable to me. If this is going to continue I will be unable to conduct my normal work and will even start to worry about my health and safety. I see therefore no other way out therefore than resigning from GWPF. I had not expecting such an enormous world-wide pressure put at me from a community that I have been close to all my active life. Colleagues are withdrawing their support, other colleagues are withdrawing from joint authorship etc.

I see no limit and end to what will happen. It is a situation that reminds me about the time of McCarthy. I would never have expecting anything similar in such an original peaceful community as meteorology. Apparently it has been transformed in recent years.

Under these situation I will be unable to contribute positively to the work of GWPF and consequently therefore I believe it is the best for me to reverse my decision to join its Board at the earliest possible time.

With my best regards

Lennart Bengtsson

Stonings, amputations and beheadings are presumably the next logical step in the warmist campaign of intimidation.

Read the rest at GWPF


  1. It’s not just a “PC” issue: it’s ideology related; i.e. based mostly around beliefs, rather than actual facts, where such groups become easily offended, resort to name-calling, shunning and bullying.

    Such behaviour makes it easy to tell when those ideas are indefensible.

  2. Too bad they are not ethical enough to feel same.

  3. Manfred says:

    This toxic stridor of the climate Progressives grows more vapid. It’s a good sign in this instance, associated with terminal decline.

  4. Reblogged this on Wolsten and commented:
    A shameful state of affairs for science.

  5. Krudd Gillard of the Commondebt of Australia says:

    Looks like that photo was taken Coolaroo.

  6. manicbeancounter says:

    When communities are divided, such as in Northern Ireland, or between Muslims and other communities in Northern English cities, the way towards resolution of these (non-violent) is to first to get people on either side of the divide to talk to one another. They will soon recognize that the “other side” are human beings also, and might have a legitimate point of view. Peace in Northern Ireland proved elusive for many years as anybody who “broke ranks” was ostracized or worse.
    The intellectual left are not physically vicious, but they do everything to discourage the questioning of their dogmatic beliefs.

  7. brothersmartmouth@shaw.ca says:

    I like your site and find your writing iinsightful. But your comparison to Boko Haram is a little extreme.

  8. Pat from Cork says:

    Amputations? The heretic would still be among us. Armless or legless but still alive. The only hope for the CAGW community is the one suggested in this video from those tolerant and understanding folks at 10-10.

    Possibly the most offensive political position film made this century. Disagree and we kill you immediately. Children, adults, no restrictions. No trial, no defense, just summary execution.

    And these morons claim the high moral ground?


  1. pindanpost says:

    […] Warmist apostacy: the climate jihadists strike […]

  2. […] Australian Climate Madness writes about the climate jihadists striking again. Roger Pielke, Jr., notes the climate McCarthyism. Dr. Judith Curry says this has the potential to do more damage than Climategate. Many others have chimed in, as well. Of course, no Warmists are saying “hey, um, this isn’t the way science works. It should be open and free”. […]

  3. […] Australian Climate Madness writes about the climate jihadists striking again. Roger Pielke, Jr., notes the climate McCarthyism. Dr. Judith Curry says this has the potential to do more damage than Climategate. Many others have chimed in, as well. Of course, no Warmists are saying “hey, um, this isn’t the way science works. It should be open and free”. […]

  4. […] parcel of the alarmist program as many good skeptical scientists have found including the latest Lennart Bengtsson . When you have no facts as the alarmists have not then all you can do is attack the […]