Celebrate! Australia’s carbon [dioxide] tax is GONE!

Crack open the bubbly!

Crack open the bubbly!

The carbon tax, that utterly pointless environmental gesture that would have done nothing for the climate, has been repealed today in the Senate. Good riddance.

The toxic tax, together with the originally planned emissions trading scheme, has claimed, over the years, about half a dozen senior politicians, including Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and Malcolm Turnbull, all of whom have shackled themselves to the altar of climate change alarmism, and paid the price.

The Australian reports:

THE carbon tax has been repealed, fulfilling Tony Abbott’s “pledge in blood” to abolish the landmark Gillard government scheme.

The Senate passed the government’s amended carbon tax repeal bills by a margin of 39 votes to 32 at 11.14am, with only the Labor Party and the Greens opposing their passage into law.

It was the Senate’s third attempt to pass the repeal legislation.

The vote was held as Bill Shorten gave a clear pledge to take a new carbon pricing mechanism to the next federal election, due in 2016, in the form of an emissions trading scheme.

They never learn, do they? Idiots. You can add Shorten to the above list of climate victims.


  1. Congratulations en masse to You ! 😀
    Brgds from Sweden

  2. Jim Fletcher says:

    1 down, 2 to go, if sanity is to prevail. Sadly sanity is not in abundance in the coalition. I fear we will continue to suffer more jobs losses, and more company closures.

    • ALbert Bresca in South Australia says:

      who do you blame for the job losses? The chicken or the egg??? Those recently in government or those that were in the government most recently and took the country from a surplus to a debt in near record time and caused us to borrow money.. The liberals who saved the country from going to a double a credit rating or the labor party who nearly caused us to go down that path (as can be seen by the south australian government which lost it’s aaa rating and is in horrible debt as well as paying higher interest rates on the debt – oh woa is me in SA……)

  3. Streetcred says:

    Cool & The Gang

  4. Christine Milne is a blatant bare face liar as she stood in the Senate today and bleated about how the carbon tax was there because of the fact that the Worlds Temperature was going to rise 4 to 6 degrees, 4 to 6, not even their stupidest followers are saying that, for her to say this is nothing short a fraud. N

    • She brazenly claimed we’re “on track” for such a temperature rise. Seriously? And the Greens have the gall to use the “D” label; sheesh!

    • ALbert Bresca ( Australia) says:

      Another attempt to instill the panic people had on the 80’s when most people were sure we were sll going to die in a nuclear holocaust… These crazies are yang the same tone and panic logic….sigh.. guess what people -we have heard this tone and argument befote….

    • Religious people like the greens don’t lie, they are true believers in their cause.

  5. Krudd Gillard of the Commondebt of Australia says:

    Just make sure that the Stalinist threats and predictions of doom uttered by the likes of Sarah Hyphen-whatever are preserved for future ridicule by our children, their children and children for generations on.

  6. Thank you Australia for taking the lead back to sanity. We in the USA are watching and learning from you as we are slowly stopping the man-made global warming scam train.


  1. […] Celebrate! Australia’s carbon [dioxide] tax is GONE!17 July, 2014 by Simon 9 Comments 12 Votes Crack open the bubbly! The carbon tax, that utterly pointless environmental gesture that would have done nothing for the climate, has been repealed today in the Senate. Good riddance. The toxic tax, together with the originally planned emissions trading scheme, has claimed, over the years, about half a dozen senior politicians, including Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and Malcolm Turnbull, all of whom have shackled themselves to the altar of climate change alarmism, and paid the price. The Australian reports: THE carbon tax has been repealed, fulfilling Tony Abbott’s “pledge in blood” to abolish the landmark Gillard government scheme. The Senate passed the government’s amended carbon tax repeal bills by a margin of 39 votes to 32 at 11.14am, with only the Labor Party and the Greens opposing their passage into law. It was the Senate’s third attempt to pass the repeal legislation. The vote was held as Bill Shorten gave a clear pledge to take a new carbon pricing mechanism to the next federal election, due in 2016, in the form of an emissions trading scheme.They never learn, do they? Idiots. You can add Shorten to the above list of climate victims. Share this: Marc. There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. Aldous Huxley Reply With Quote […]