Quote of the Day from Lima

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

No surprise that the latest climate talks are heading exactly the same way as all the rest:

“The latest text which countries are working on has been stripped down to its bare bones to accommodate the whims of the lowest common denominator,” said Christian Aid’s Mohamed Adow. “Right now we are facing the prospect of being no further forward than we were when we left last year’s meeting in Warsaw.” (source)

Oh well, never mind. Everyone had a great time in an exotic location getting pissed… all at the taxpayers’ expense.


  1. US Vice President sounded like he was begging to be taken seriously, Bwahahahaha. N

  2. Roger Dewhurst says:

    The world is an oblate spheroid. Surely they could agree on that? But perhaps not, there are just too many letters in both oblate and spheroid.

  3. “The latest text which countries are working on has been stripped down to its bare bones to accommodate the whims of the lowest common denominator,”

    As always, it’s not the scientists who provide the substance for the final text, it’s the policy makers and bureaucrats who add the qualifying ifs-and-buts – giving escape hatches to their political overlords. Logic and rational analysis disappear, buried under meaningless sludge.

  4. Old Sailor Man says:

    “Christian Aid’s Mohamed Adow.’……….?????????!!!

  5. Sounds like an appropriate conclusion 😉

  6. As Ban Ki-Moon has said though “They don’t really need another treaty.” The UN has all the long-term influence it needs through UNESCO’s influence on K-12 globally and the Bologna Process over higher ed.

    What is SO dangerous about what is really going on in education is the determination to get at perception of reality. Ultimately that’s what turns out to underlie what became known as the Reading Wars and the Math Wars according to me research. Abstract Objectivism does not create malleable minds that can be manipulated into the herd effect.

  7. The headlines in the media should read: “Lima climate talks sound like a broken record”