The waning "Walk against Warming"

What does being vegan have to do with climate change (see top right)?

From 40,000 in 2006 to barely 10,000 in 2010. That’s the number of people who protested yesterday against “the greatest moral challenge since the dawn of time” or something (© KRudd). Maybe it’s because the population is slowly waking up to the spin and lies of the warmists. The march consisted of a few ageing hippies, commies who want to use climate change to bring in a new social(-ist) world order, and the “yoof” of Australia, many of whom, despite holding university degrees, have not the first inkling about critical thought, and blindly swallow whole the spin and misrepresentations of the Sydney Morning Herald and the Labor government. You just have to look at how many 18-24 year olds are planning to vote Green to see that.

Even the SMH, peddler of so much climate alarmism over the years, concedes it was a PR disaster:

MORE than 40,000 turned up in 2006, but just 10,000 people participated in the Walk Against Warming, an annual march through the city to protest against government inaction on climate change.

Pepe Clarke, the chief executive of the Nature Conservation Council of NSW, had hoped to build on the 15,000 who marched during the Copenhagen Summit last year, but the rally shrank yet again.

”I don’t think it’s representative of people thinking climate change is no longer an issue,” said one protester, David McElroy, 27. ”I think there might just be a little bit of despair associated with it. I think people were so hopeful at the last election that things were going to happen and it just ended up being a whole lot of talk.” (source)

Yeah, the despair that global warming isn’t going to be the pathway to global socialism. And even 10,000 is probably wildly optimistic, given that the organisers of these protests are wont to inflate figures (like the warmists inflate global temperatures). The ABC says “more than 1,000” (source) – hardly 10,000 is it?!

And in news you won’t read on the ABC or SMH web sites:

It has been the coldest summer on record north of 80N, and temperatures have dropped below freezing ahead of the average date. (source)

I wonder if any of the protesters knew that?


  1. I was unfortunate enough to be walking past the Adelaide contingent on the weekend.. they would have been lucky to have 100 turn up that weren’t actually part of the parade. I suspect the rather cold winter might have something to do with it, aside from the obvious as you’ve stated above.

  2. “It has been the coldest summer on record north of 80N, and temperatures have dropped below freezing ahead of the average date. (source)”

    If you knew anything about the science behind climate change, you would know that changes in extreeme temperatures, that is the highest and lowest temperatures, are one of the major outcomes of “global warming”. Yes, on average the world is getting warmer, and this affects our maximum AND minimum temperatures.

    • @Eb: Yeah, that’s right. Everything can be blamed on “global warming” can’t it? Even extreme cold! What can’t be so blamed? Sorry pal, but this is turning into trolling… which I don’t have the time for.

  3. Eb @ #2

    Here is yet another example of extreme temperatures caused by global warming!

  4. The Loaded Dog says:

    It seems Wank against Warming is going the same way as Earth Hour.

  5. Olaf Koenders says:

    Eb @ #2..

    If you had lived through the ’70’s, you’d have seen flooding rainfall, storms and extreme cold like I haven’t experienced since then. Heat hasn’t changed much. We still have high summer temps between 40-45C – no different, but the storms have dissipated. Lake Eildon (VIC, Australia) was almost flooded over in the ’70’s. In fact, storms over the last 20 years have become a distant memory, and I still live right here..!

  6. Paul Drewry says:

    @Eb….”If you knew anything about the science behind climate change”… i’m all ears….So what do you (or anyone) know about the “science behind climate change” Computer modelling I suppose…oh pulease….. So prove to me that Carbon is warming the planet… and prove to me that the consensus in the scientific community (not IPCC or Al Gore please) is that carbon is warming the planet. This debacle is a runaway train and sheople like you aren’t helping. You are buying the MSM line without doing any digging …propagandists dream.

  7. Wow, hello everyone!

    @ Simon. Thats ok, you don’t have to respond. Thats entirely up to you. And please don’t blow my argument out of proportion; “Everything can be blamed on “global warming” can’t it?”. Yeah, like the majority of legitamate scientists in the world are pointing their fingers like children and shrieking “global warming did it!”. Actually, that creates a rather funny image in the mind doesn’t it? I’m juat saying that changes in extreme temperatures are actually an expected (And rather worrying) part of climate change, so the protesters would not have been at all surprised by your statement.

    @Bruce If that’s true it is absolutley appalling. What a disgrace to the scientific community. Don’t let it colour your view of all monitoring agencies, because we need them in order to understand changes in the world around us.

    @Olaf, correctly guessed, I did not live through the 70’s, that’s slightly before my time. I have been told as much about the wheather patterns by my parents, teachers, lecturers and friends. Have you also noticed a slight shift in the seasons? Winter comming later, etc…
    Without revealing too much about myself I grew up In Vic too, Lake Eildon is a beautiful area, and you are fortunate to live there.

    And @Paul (I’ll stop calling you Mr Drewry, if that is ok with you). I am aware of what “sheople” means and I don’t apreciate the name calling. So now I am a S*!% person, because I don’t agree with you? Thanks Paul. What do I know? I’m no specialist but I do know alot more than your average joe. I’m not tooting my own horn or trying to show off but you asked, so I have a Bsc in Environmental management. I’m currently undertaking further study. Oh I have done plenty of digging thanks, and have heard first hand from many brilliant people whom I respect, that climate change IS a real occurance; and, we ARE contributing to its rapid progression. I know of no person in my department that does not acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of evidence supports the consensus that climate change is occuring. I like to consider all sides of an argument, and have done so. I will continue to do so. Why do you think I was even looking at this site? Although I I see nothing to sway my opinion here.

    I’m sorry, I’m not familliar with the term MSM, please enlighten me?

  8. @ Simon if you dont want me to participate thats fine, just let me know and I won’t bother you again.

  9. The Loaded Dog says:

    @Eb asks – “I’m sorry, I’m not familliar with the term MSM, please enlighten me?”

    Its main stream media Eb. The same media that has been pushing the global warming propaganda bandwagon for years whilst at the same time not reporting any opposing view. They are also hard at work promoting the view that climate sceptics are a minority.

    Ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself. If the media was reporting objectively as they are supposed to on the science of Global Warming why would it be necessary for you to research opposing views on the internet?

    Ever heard of confirmation bias Eb? I would suggest you look into it before you make statements like:-

    “I have been told as much about the wheather patterns by my parents, teachers, lecturers and friends. Have you also noticed a slight shift in the seasons? Winter comming later, etc…”

    And also this:-

    “Oh I have done plenty of digging thanks, and have heard first hand from many brilliant people whom I respect, that climate change IS a real occurance; and, we ARE contributing to its rapid progression. I know of no person in my department that does not acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of evidence supports the consensus that climate change is occuring.”

    And before you go accusing sceptics of confirmation bias just remember most of us used to believe in AGW as well. Like many of the Scientists in the below link. All very learned people. Would you suggest they are foolish and deceived?

  10. Eb, thanks for contributing. I too have a degree in Env Science and care about the planet but I disagree with the science on this one. I am old enough to remember the scare about the crown of thorns starfish in the 70s and how the Great Barrier Reef was doomed. Scientists have their pet theories and science is certainly not imune from fashions, fads and what is culturally acceptable.

    Perhaps you might like to ask your learned friends why sea levels were higher and the water warmer off the east Australian coast 6000 years ago? Also most of the warming in recent decades has been in the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere, thus leading to a decreased temp gradient between the equator and poles. I’ve no experience in computer modelling but I would have thought this would reduce severe weather events.

  11. To Eb,

    Always nice to engage in dicussion with polite, courteous people.

    MSM = mainstream media, general hopelessly biased to promote global warming alarmist propaganda.

    Have two more recent links re temperature data – notice a pattern starting to emerge here:-)

    New Zealand's NIWA sued over climate data adjustments

    Perhaps a legitimate question would be “Is there any data out there that hasn’t been processed?”

  12. MSM = main stream media, of course! I feel a bit silly. Thank you.

    @ Theloadeddog. Yes, I am aware that the MSM coverage is somewhat unbalanced, in favour of climate change “believers”. I hate to call it that, it makes “believing” in climate change sound akin to “believing” in elves or santa or something. I have heard//read several reports by climate change skeptics as well, but I’d love to see a real debate with both sides well represented, using only “real” and valid data to support their views. I’m sure we would all like to see who would come out on top in that one.

    I’m not trying to offend anyone here, but I think climate change skeptics are the minority, really. Which is why you have to fight so hard to get your oppinions out there.

    Also, some individuals, from both sides of the argument, tend to send out big claims without any real evidence and tarnish the reputations of the rest, being labeled “alarmists” or “deniers”.

    I read the information provided in your link, and find I am in agreeance that the individual in question did not act in the interests of science. However the scientists who moved to displace him did not state that they had changed their oppinion regarding climate change. They only moved to rid the scientific community of a biased editor. “Would you suggest they are foolish and deceived?” Certainly not. I think they did the right thing in standing up for true scientific process! But, Would you suggest that they at all indicated that they had become climate change skeptics? I think not.

    @Dave B. No worries, glad to participate. Yes I agree, I’m quite interested in the history of science and you’re dead right about the pet theories, fads, and fassions!

    I’m aware of the shifts in climate in the past of course, quite different to the world we live in now. I’m no moddler either, so I cant really offer an opinion on that that I am sure is right.

    What do you do now, with your degree? Job-wise i mean. If I’m prying too much then feel free to ignore this question 🙂

    @Bruce. Thanks 🙂

    Again I dissagree with bad science. But NIWA has only been accused, nothing has as yet been settled, am I right? It will be interesting to see what comes of the challenge.

    I was aware of the satelite controversy before now. It is such a shame that so much potentially important data could be invalidated, and we’ll never have a chance to get that back.

  13. Here’s one for you Simon. Seems that Al Gore has noticed our marches and is using them as a call for mass marches in the US.

    Looks to have ‘normalized’ his numbers again. Comments on Bolta’s blog suggest turnout was hyped significantly:

    “brc replied to MattR
    Mon 16 Aug 10 (12:00pm)
    Talk of 1,000’s of protestors is a bit of a stretch. I saw the news reports on King George square in Brisbane last night. 300 would the number at the outside, plus a few curious shoppers wondering why Jack Thompson was talking.”

  14. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    @Bruce #12 re my post #14….sorry. Call me Bruce of Newcastle.


  1. […] for Al’s chakra, subsidies for renewables are worse, the ice island is normal and the annual Aussie protest is shrinking faster than Arctic ice in […]