More hysterical climate alarmism from the ABC

Banging the Green drum

The ABC is the campaign wing of the Labor/Green Alliance Party (as it should now be called) in all but name. Spruiking Jooolya’s policies whilst at the same time dissing Tony’s. Dredging up any tiny embarrassment from Tony’s past, but leaving Jooolya’s communist connections well alone. And of course, using the Drum as a platform for climate hysteria is just all part of the grand scheme. For every sceptical article that gets the nod, about 10 alarmist ones get through – there’s balance for you, ABC-style. Last week we had Kellie “Ranter” Tranter’s climate nonsense, deconstructed expertly by Jo Nova here, and now we have another climate evangelist, spouting deep Green propaganda:

The inertia of the climate system, particularly the slow warming of the oceans, means that the results of our emissions today only become evident decades hence. Thus, unless we take rapid action now, we may well be locking in irreversible climate change of catastrophic proportions for future generations [nonsense – there is no evidence whatsoever of irreversible climate change in our planet’s history – it’s been here for 4.5 billion years, for f***’s sake]; indeed we may have already done so.

There will always be scientific uncertainties on an issue this complex, with year-to-year climatic variations continuing to be used selectively by deniers [cheap ad hom] to discredit the mainstream science; but the overall trends are clear and they are all moving in the wrong direction. It is tempting to believe the deniers [and again] are right, but faced with the mounting empirical evidence, prudent risk management dictates we should not gamble on inaction.

The world is starting to understand that, if catastrophic outcomes and climatic tipping points are to be avoided [which don’t exist], the real target for a safe climate is to reduce atmospheric carbon concentrations back to the pre-industrial levels of around 300ppm CO2 from the current 392ppm CO2 [despite CO2 levels being at least 20 times greater in the past, with no significant effect on warming] This will require emission reductions in the order of 40-50 per cent by 2020, almost complete decarbonisation by 2050 [could have been written by the Greens] and continuing efforts to draw down legacy carbon from the atmosphere.

The author is a fellow of the Centre for Policy Development, which has already made its mind up on climate change, as it states here:

The short-term thinking of the election cycle is damaging Australia’s long-term interests. From the global economic crisis to the climate emergency, the costs of poor public policy are increasingly clear. (source)

So is it any wonder that one of their “fellows” writes such undiluted horseshit? And is it any wonder that the ABC publishes it so uncritically?

Read it here, if you must, but frankly, don’t bother.

UPDATE: From the author’s CPD biography:

He is Chairman of Safe Climate Australia, Deputy Convenor of the Australian Association for the Study of Peak Oil and a Member of the Club of Rome.

Let’s always remember that the Club of Rome once pronounced that “the Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man”. Says it all really.


  1. The media fields reports from some groups saying it’s too late to make a difference, others saying we need to take rapid action now, and then others saying if China doesn’t pitch in, there’s no point even trying to take action..

    It seems it won’t matter much that they hardly report anything from skeptical viewpoint; the public have lost confidence just from disagreement amongst alarmists.

  2. Laurie Williams says:

    Some of the comments are even worse, particularly Dunlop’s replies. Interesting to note that the CPD shows he’s a member of the Club of Rome.
    On the Tranter article page, this, from one commenter: “Science is about debate, but not all scientific arguments are equal nor should they receive the same consideration or attention. This is why consensus is important, because it helps to distinguish between the nature and quality of different arguments.”
    The same commenter lamented “Unsubstantiated climate change denialism”. Perhaps a sense of humour, or at least of irony.

  3. The Loaded Dog says:

    Club of Rome eh? Ever heard of the Georgia Guidestones Simon?

    If not, you may be interested to know that guide number 10 also makes mention of cancer instructing us to – “Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature”