Paris Accord mandates climate indoctrination in schools

Creating a generation of Gretas…

In our brave new world post-Trump, where far Left dogma is the only speech allowed, independent social media sites are shut down by Silicon Valley tech oligarchs, and anyone with differing views will be sent to “re-education camps”, is it little wonder that climate indoctrination will now be forced on our children?

Lessons in climate change, the environment and how to protest will be compulsory subjects at all schools worldwide as part of the Paris Agreement, under plans being developed for this year’s UN climate summit in Glasgow.

Teaching children about the environment, the green economy and how to take action against government to stop environmental harm are considered essential parts of preparing future workers for what campaigners say is the third industrial revolution.


EarthDay says a climate-­educated and environmentally literate global public is likely to be “better placed to take part in the green jobs revolution, make better sustainable consumer choices, become the next generation of sustainable entrepreneurs and hold leaders to account”. Ms Rogers said if current trends continued, energy and technology needs of the future would all be owned and controlled by big technology companies and China.

The Australian ($)

We can all look forward to yet more hectoring and badgering from our little ones, permanently hyperactive on the climate Kool Aid poured into them in our educational establishments…

Blowing the dust off Australian Climate Madness

Biden restarts climate madness…

So it looks like I will have to polish up my blogging again as once again we descend into another era of climate madness. With the election (installation?) of Sleepy Joe as President, the pointless climate action agenda is firmly back on the table, as the Washington Post breathlessly reports:

Within hours of taking the oath of office as president Wednesday, Joe Biden intends to sign more than a dozen executive orders and direct nearly 100 agency actions aimed at unraveling Donald Trump’s environmental policies, as he works to cement the government’s role in safeguarding air and water, protecting endangered species, and combating climate change at home and abroad.

Biden will order federal agencies to review scores of climate policies enacted during the Trump administration and, if possible, to quickly reverse them. Nearly half of the regulations the new administration is targeting come from the Environmental Protection Agency, on issues ranging from drinking water and dangerous chemicals to gas mileage standards.

A cry for survival comes from planet itself. A cry that can’t be any more desperate or any more clear,” Biden said in his inaugural address. Listing the challenges the nation faces, he pointed to “the battle to save our planet by getting the climate under control.”


As I type this, apparently the Exec Order rejoining the Paris Accord has been signed…

Welcome back to Climate Madness.

US: Democrats and the Far Left label ideological opponents “domestic terrorists”

I don’t know how many people here in Australia watch US news, but I do, and the silencing of the Twitter alternative Parler is just the start of a much larger planned purge of conservatives by the Left that could end very badly indeed.

You won’t hear anything about this on “their ABC” which is indulging in a wall-to-wall nauseating love-in for Biden and Harris, and at the same time salivating over his possible second impeachment, but the ‘Overton Window‘ has become so narrow and so far shifted left, that mainstream conservative Americans are now regarded as extremists.

The Left fails to see the outright hypocrisy of tarring 74 million Trump/Republican voters with the Capitol protesters brush while at the same time bleating that we shouldn’t blame all Muslims for an Islamic terrorist attack.

The rhetoric has become so extreme that many Democrats are openly calling for “reprogramming” of conservatives, labelling them “domestic terrorists”. I couldn’t put it more eloquently than Tucker in his opening monologue from 19 January, which you will find below.

Whether you support Trump or not, and whether you are on the Left or Right, this should be deeply concerning to everyone who values democracy:

‘On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years’

Schellenberger pictured in 1995 (second from right)

Wow. Bravo! It takes guts to make an admission like this.

On the other hand, it was a shameful and cowardly act of Forbes to pull the article within hours of publication (Archive here, Google cache here).

Here’s an extract from Michael Schellenberger’s article:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said “The world is going to end in twelve years if we don’t address climate change.” Britain’s most high-profile environmental group claimed “Climate Change Kills Children.”

The world’s most influential green journalist, Bill McKibben, called climate change the “greatest challenge humans have ever faced” and said it would “wipe out civilizations.”

Mainstream journalists reported, repeatedly, that the Amazon was “the lungs of the world,” and that deforestation was like a nuclear bomb going off.

As a result, half of the people surveyed around the world last year said they thought climate change would make humanity extinct. And in January, one out of five British children told pollsters they were having nightmares about climate change.

Whether or not you have children you must see how wrong this is. I admit I may be sensitive because I have a teenage daughter. After we talked about the science she was reassured. But her friends are deeply misinformed and thus, understandably, frightened.

I thus decided I had to speak out. I knew that writing a few articles wouldn’t be enough. I needed a book to properly lay out all of the evidence.

And so my formal apology for our fear-mongering comes in the form of my new book, Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All.

I will be buying the book, and you should too.

New Zealand schools to terrify children about the “climate crisis”

Who cares about education if you believe the world is ending?

What will it take for sanity to return? Global cooling? Another Ice Age even? The climate lunatics would probably still blame human CO2 no matter what happens.

But before that, New Zealand seems happy to indoctrinate an entire generation with alarmist nonsense, and encourage them to wag school to protest for more “action” (reported gleefully by the Guardian, natch):

Every school in New Zealand will this year have access to materials about the climate crisis written by the country’s leading science agencies – including tools for students to plan their own activism, and to process their feelings of “eco-anxiety” over global heating.  […]

Young people feel betrayed and abandoned by older generations over their lack of action on the climate issue, and worry about it has increasingly sparked anxiety and depression, a group of British psychologists warned in September. […]

Materials created for teachers that were provided to the Guardian suggest students keep a “feelings thermometer” to track their emotions, learn how to change defeatist self-talk, and consider how their feelings could generate action and response.

Totally disgraceful, and the fact that the Guardian pushes this nonsensical propaganda as “news” is appalling.

You should read the whole thing just to understand how bonkers this is.

Environmentalists are cynical on bushfire causes

Tolerance and inclusivity on display from the Left

The Green Blob is guilty of shockingly cynical opportunism in relation to the bushfires.

Bushfires are caused (or intensified) by numerous factors including arson, fuel management, back burning, local climatic variables (such as the Indian Ocean dipole, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Madden-Julian Oscillation) AND possibly global climate change. Of all the above, global climate change is the least impactful by orders of magnitude.

But because our policies demand action on climate change we’re going to focus on that to the exclusion of all the rest in order to advance our own selfish agenda.

(Not forgetting that even global climate change is likely to have a natural component to it arising from the post- Little Ice Age recovery, which may be equal to or greater than any man made component…).

Sydney Morning Herald claims bushfire victims are “climate refugees”

Climate refugees? Really?

The desperation is palpable. As the public continues to reject the hysterical climate alarmism of the Green-Left, especially in connection with the current bushfires, the Silly Moaning Herald jumps the shark with this utter nonsense:

‘Australia’s first climate change refugees’

Standing on the waterfront at Mallacoota on Friday morning, waiting with his wife and 10-year-old son to board a tender that would take them out to HMAS Choules offshore, Nick Ritar had time to ponder the utter strangeness of what was unfolding in the normally idyllic beach town just south of the NSW border.

“We are Australia’s first climate refugees,” he told the Herald by phone from the wharf, where groups of holidaymakers were being bused down from the local cinema. (source, backup [PDF] for when it gets posted down the memory hole)

Keep going! All this will do is further alienate the silent majority from climate alarmism…

The Greens are so DUMB they think Australian climate policies control the Australian climate


Dear Greens,

We know that you’re a bit intellectually challenged, but before you make another disgusting, opportunistic remark about the bushfires being linked to “lack of action on climate change”, there are two important lessons you need to learn:

  1. The climate is global not local. I know this is so basic it’s almost embarrassing to have to explain it, but you are obviously too stupid to have understood. Nothing we do in Australia will affect the Australian climate. Go and protest in China or India instead.
  2. Bushfires aren’t linked to climate change. Even the experts say this, but you are so desperate to push your cynical agenda you don’t care about that. They are more linked to a failure of bush management and controlled burns, things that have been consistently opposed by, er, the Greens.

You are a bunch of morons. Go away.

Yours sincerely,

Australian Climate Madness

Greta Thunberg is a hysterical child who should be ignored by sensible adults

Should be seen and not heard

Climate “saviour” Greta Thunberg speaking at the UN overnight made for some extremely painful watching.

It was painful not because of the apocalyptic message that she was trying to convey, but because of her childish, petulant and hysterical overreaction to the non-issue of modern-day climate change, something the planet has endured (and survived) for four and a half billion years.

It was painful because she is the product of a family, a society and a progressive media that is happy to elevate a kid with serious mental health issues to a level of exposure and publicity that will surely damage her even more.

I wonder how long it will take for any remaining sensible adults in the room to realise it is time to stop listening to a hysterical child when determining policies that will affect billions of people.

The climate strikes aren’t about climate, they are about anti-capitalism

Verging on child abuse…

Most of the deluded kids on the climate “strikes” last week didn’t have a clue why they were there.

Enthusiastically cheered on by the mainstream media, it was a cheeky bludge off school and all they were doing was trying to “save the planet” right?

No of course not. These gullible kids are being exploited by all kinds of extreme-Left and anti-capitalist groups in order to bring about a wholesale societal change, using our children as their innocent pawns.

The website for the strikes refers to the need for “climate justice” which we all know is code for wealth redistribution from rich countries to poor, and an excuse for the usurping of normal democratic processes.

And as we no longer educate children to think for themselves, you can bet this brainwashing will last decades – possibly their entire lives.
