Virtue-signalling corporations back the Voice

Smug, self-satisfied and out of touch.

Of course they do. Just like action on climate change. I hope they realise they are alienating over 50% of their potential customers who will vote no?


How the Coalition can still win the General Election

Still up for grabs

This election is still up for grabs, despite what the polls say. The Australian people don’t trust Bill Shorten, the memories of Rudd-Gillard-Rudd are still fresh in their minds, and they are very suspicious of Labor’s ties to violent, militant unions like the CFMEU and extreme fringe-dwellers like the Greens.

They are also hurting in their wallets thanks to crazy green energy schemes which look like rainbows and unicorns but actually cost ordinary people their standard of living thanks to astronomical electricity prices.

So here are some ways in which the Coalition can still deny Labor a victory in May 2019:

  • Hit Labor’s legendary economic incompetence hard – push the no-surplus-since-1989 line for all it is worth. Labor couldn’t manage a candy store let alone an economy, and people need to be reminded of this. Labor means higher taxes, more government waste, higher unemployment, lower growth and more debt – it always has and it always will – it’s that simple.
  • Hit Labor’s consistent weakness on borders equally hard – they lie about maintaining strong borders but it’s just that – a lie. Just look at Kevin 07 to see where that ended up last time. The boats will be back on the water before the votes are all counted, and more innocent victims will die at sea. Left-leaning parties the world over are unanimous in their desire to let in as many third-world migrants as possible into Western democracies because they know they will unwaveringly shore up their vote – yes, it really is that blatant. Power is all that matters to the Left.
  • Hit Labor’s delusional climate obsession just as hard – pandering to their Greenie mates, Labor is obsessed with tackling climate change and “saving the Barrier Reef”, despite the fact that any cuts Australia makes to emissions will be swamped by China’s new coal fired power stations in no time at all. All pain and no gain. What’s hilarious is that they are dumb enough to believe that reducing emissions in Australia will somehow make the climate better in Australia – which is patently false since mitigation is averaged over the entire planet and anything Australia does is immediately cancelled out by China and India.
  • Attack Labor’s ridiculous electric vehicle policy, which is laughably ignorant and will essentially cripple the Australian economy. Plus the fact that Bill thinks they can be charged in under ten minutes – twit.
  • Commit to build new high efficiency low emission coal fired power stations across Australia, to guarantee baseload power supplies and keep prices affordable. This would be a huge vote winner for the Coalition, and if they don’t announce this, they shouldn’t even be in government.
  • Lift the ban on nuclear generation. Australia has the largest reserves of uranium in the world, and the largest expanse of Outback in which to store it safely. To prohibit nuclear power generation in this country is criminal.

Let’s see how many of these they actually do. I’m not holding my breath.

Coalition infighting will see return to bad old days of Labor – including a carbon price

Do we really want this guy as PM? Really??!!

Do we really want this guy as PM? I mean, really?

The Coalition seems to have a healthy self-destruct instinct which it must have inherited from the shambolic disaster that was Rudd-Gillard-Rudd.

But let’s look at the achievements of the Coalition government so far: it has removed the pointless and futile carbon tax, removed the mining tax (which raised no revenue) and has effectively stopped the thousands of illegal immigrants arriving by boat, many of whom were dying needlessly at sea thanks to Labor’s politically-correct multiculti-gone-mad open borders policy.

Tony Abbott and the government should be emphasising the dire state of our debt position, which is costing the economy billions in interest alone each year, and pointing out every single day that it is Labor, the authors of the mess, that are preventing the action necessary to start clearing it up.

But despite the worst Labor government in living memory, a Galaxy poll at the end of January showed 44% thought Bill Shorten would make the better prime minister, compared to 29% for Abbott, and the Coalition trailing Labor 43-57 on a two-party preferred basis.

Can Australian memories be that bad? Are we all suffering from mass dementia? How can people be seriously considering re-electing Labor barely 18 months after turfing them out at the federal election?

How can Coalition backbenchers seriously consider dumping the sitting prime minister, when during Labor’s administration they criticised Labor for the chaos and lack of stability caused by dumping Rudd?

Yes, Abbott has an image and communication problem, and seems incapable of sticking the knife into Labor about the damage it is wreaking on our economy. Yes, there is clearly a governance issue in the PM’s office, and the Chief of Staff is becoming the story, which is never a good look.

Yes, polls are looking bad right now, but that is partly due to the fact that people have become too comfortable with a culture of government hand-outs and benefits. Australia lived beyond its means for the six years of Labor incompetence, and naturally it is difficult when belts have to be tightened. But governments should not chase populism, they should put the interests of the country’s future first, even if that is initially unpopular with the electorate.

Otherwise, in late 2016, we will be plunged back into the nightmare of a Labor government, with hundreds of boats arriving every month, government spending and taxes going through the roof, borrowing escalating, and, most crucially from this blog’s point of view, the return of a pointless, ineffective tax on carbon dioxide, which as we all know, will cause huge damage to our economy, and make no difference whatsoever to the climate.

Czech president: Political Correctness = Political Cowardice

Milos Zeman

Milos Zeman

UPDATE: Watch Brigitte Gabriel comprehensively eviscerate political correctness here.

The Czechs have produced some amazing statesmen.

Former president Vaclav Klaus courageously spoke out against the climate change hysteria, knowing full well the smears and attacks that would come his way as a result. And now current president Miloš Zeman speaks out about the real cause of Islamic aggression around the world.

The libtard media are forever pussyfooting around the issue, cowed by threats of being labelled ‘Islamophobic’, endlessly repeating the myth that continual terrorist attacks in the name of Islam have ‘nothing to do with Islam’ and that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’. Anyone with half a brain knows that is complete bullshit, but the media does such a good job of shifting the blame on to the West that most people are completely in the dark. Islam is a violent, supremacist political ideology masquerading as a religion, which is wholly incompatible with Western democracy and freedoms.

Robert Spencer over at JihadWatch (an excellent site by the way), skewers the issue brilliantly. After whatever latest atrocity carried out in the name of Islam, he will say ‘How can the Imams and Islamic ‘scholars’ in the Middle East be getting Islam so wrong? Don’t they know that it’s a religion of peace? Anyone would think they were just greasy Islamophobes!’ and urges the West’s apologists to go and educate them about the real nature of their religion. Very powerful stuff.

Political correctness is the reluctance to speak the truth for fear of causing offence, in other words it is, as Zeman says, a euphemism for cowardice, and it is slowly destroying our society from within. In the climate arena, it is the fear of being labelled a ‘denier’ and to be judged morally bankrupt (‘think of the children and grandchildren’) if one dares to question the alarmist narrative, which is causing harm and poverty to millions. In relation to Islam, it is fear of being labelled ‘Islamophobic’, ‘racist’, ‘bigoted’, or some other equally offensive term, in the face of a significant threat to our Western freedoms – freedoms which in the past we fought hard to preserve, and which now, apparently, we are happy to give up, a little at a time, without a struggle.

But that’s typical of the Left. Rather than deal with the issue head on, the libtard’s easy option is to apply a label, thereby securing an imagined moral superiority which obviates the need for further debate.

Unless people have the courage to speak the truth about those things that are a threat to our society, climate hysteria and Islamic supremacism being just two, we are finished.

(h/t AB)

The inanity of the Left

Sometimes one is just staggered by the inanity of the Left, witness the outrage at Tony Abbott’s wink in a radio studio.

Click for full image

Click for full front page…

Budget 2014: Fixing Labor’s mess

Labor's economic policy

Labor’s economic policy

Giving any Left-of-Centre party the reins of government is like giving Dracula the keys to the blood bank.

Firstly, they spend like there is no tomorrow, and when they run out of money, they just put up taxes and/or borrow more, which eventually cripples the economy and bankrupts the government. It never gets to that stage of course, because the electorate, who generally appear to have very short memories, vote them out at the last minute and leave the fiscal conservatives to clean up the mess. [Read more…]

‘Vote of no confidence’ by the Great Unwashed

Isn't that treason?

Isn’t that treason?

Not quite sure where their lessons in the principles of democracy ended up… Probably on the rest of the educational scrap heap, along with reading, writing and arithmetic, to make room for sustainability, Aboriginal and Asian studies. All thanks to the Left’s cultural infiltration of our schools.

If you check the various photos of the event carefully, you will see all the far left extremist rent seekers that you’d expect (Socialist Alternative, Greens etc), mixed in with a smattering of the anarchy symbol and, of course, the inevitable ‘F**k Tony Abbott’ – charming. Where are the leftist media with their outrage at that? Missing in action, of course. Compare and contrast with their treatment of the far less offensive “ditch the witch” slogan.

But here’s a clue, for those pictured and all the rest who took part in these tawdry demonstrations: there was an election in September 2013. The Coalition won it by a thumping great majority (yeah, it happened, get over it). You will have your chance to vote them out again in 2016. That’s democracy. Until then, nobody cares what you think. Got it?

PS. And just to preempt the inevitable comparisons with the protests during the Gillard government, that was a minority government held together by a couple of independents. The proper course of action should have been to let the people decide in a fresh election, rather than cling on to power without any genuine mandate, as Labor did.

Abbott knifes the ABC – labels it ‘unpatriotic’

So far left it's coming back the other way…

So far left it’s coming back the other way…

Tony Abbott finally makes noises against the ABC’s incessant bias. From global warming to asylum seekers, from Julian Assange to Edward Snowden, from Obama-worship to apologists for Islamist atrocities, from smearing our Navy to damaging the relations with our international neighbours, the ABC is always of the hard left. It even criticises Labor and the Greens from the left! I repeat my post from September 2013:

Reform of the ABC long overdue

This blog has frequently exposed the barely-concealed left-wing bias of our publicly funded broadcaster, the ABC. As Gerard Henderson points out regularly on his must-read Media Watch Dog, there isn’t a single conservative presenter or editor on any mainstream current affairs programme, earning the corporation’s acronym the alternative interpretation of “Anything but Conservatives”.

In their stead we have had to suffer “Red” Kerry O’Brien (whose “old leather bag” visage will be gracing the ABC’s election coverage tomorrow, naturally), Tony Jones (adding another lefty voice to the already skewed Q&A panel every week), Fran Kelly (activist presenter of Radio National’s Breakfast show), News Radio’s political editor and resident Lefty, Marius Benson, Jonathan Green (editor of the Drum, which is banged repeatedly for Labor/Green causes) and Mark Scott himself – wilfully blind to the “groupthink” that is endemic in his organisation – to name but a few.

Then we have all the climate change alarmists, like Dr Karl, Robyn Williams, Adam Spencer, Bernie Hobbs, Tony Jones again, all the Catalyst team etc., 95% of the contributors on the online site, extremists like Clive Hamilton, Stephan Lewandowsky etc, and the list goes on.

It is galling that taxes paid by all Australians go towards funding that Lefty/Green echo-chamber, which caters for a small urban elite, staffed with inner-city Ultimo types who couldn’t run a chook raffle. Privately owned media organisations stand or fall on their output, witness the enduring success of News Corp, and the rapid decline of Fairfax, as it too panders to the latte-sipping, sandal-wearing intelligentsia, and in the process ignores the vast majority of Australians. The Age astonishingly endorses Labor for the election tomorrow – as one commentator pointed out, after asylum disasters, NBN, massive debt, waste, dysfunctional leadership, knifings, in-fighting, Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper, what would it take for them not to endorse Labor?

But the ABC is paid for by all of us, and it should be representative of the views of all Australians, not just a mouthpiece for the Left. It is probable that a Coalition government will be elected tomorrow, sweeping away six years of Labor incompetence. Yet you wouldn’t believe it listening to the ABC this morning, with the majority of stories either puff pieces for Rudd and Labor, or criticism of the Coalition and Abbott. Maybe they realise that the clock is ticking, time is running out, so they have to make the most of it, like the last gasp of the Roman Empire.

It’s time for the ABC to be subjected to significant reform. Balance must be restored in current affairs broadcasting, and the ABC must fully reflect the diversity of Australian opinion. Whether this is by some form of privatisation or otherwise, the population have switched off in droves, with Sky taking over as the de facto national broadcaster.

When the ABC isn’t trusted to run the election debates, something is seriously wrong. Let’s hope Tony Abbott and the Coalition will start to fix it.

It looks like they might. The ABC itself reports (ouch, that must hurt…):

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has stepped up his criticism of the ABC, accusing the national broadcaster of being unpatriotic in its coverage of the Edward Snowden leaks and asylum seeker abuse claims.

Mr Abbott also questioned the ABC’s newly established Fact Check unit, saying he wanted the corporation to focus on straight news gathering and reporting.

“A lot of people feel at the moment that the ABC instinctively takes everyone’s side but Australia’s,” he said in an interview with Ray Hadley on Sydney radio station 2GB.

“I think it dismays Australians when the national broadcaster appears to take everyone’s side but its own and I think it is a problem.”

Asked if he shared those sentiments, Mr Abbott said he was “worried and concerned” by the ABC taking a lead in reporting leaks from Snowden, a former US National Security Agency contractor.

The NSA leaks revealed Australia’s spy agencies tapped the phones of Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudohoyono and his wife in 2009.

The revelations caused a rift in the Australia-Indonesia relationship early in Mr Abbott’s prime ministership.

“The ABC seemed to delight in broadcasting allegations by a traitor,” Mr Abbott said.

“The ABC didn’t just report what he said, they took the lead in advertising what he said, and that was a deep concern.”

Mr Abbott’s attention was also drawn to a Facebook post published by an ABC researcher seeking off-the-record discussions with Navy personnel.

In the post, the researcher said her “boss” doubted asylum seekers’ claims they were mistreated during a boat turn-back operation.

The asylum seekers say they suffered burns when Navy personnel forced them to hold onto hot pipes coming out of the boat’s engine.

The Navy has denied the allegations and the Government has strongly defended the military, without confirming or denying the operation took place.

“You can’t leap to be critical of your own country and you certainly ought to be prepared to give the Australian Navy and its hard-working personnel the benefit of the doubt,” Mr Abbott said.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the ABC should apologise for casting doubt on the reputation of Royal Australian Navy sailors if the organisation felt it was wrong.

If the ABC now finds that these allegations were utterly unsubstantiated then it should come out and say so,” Ms Bishop told reporters in Brisbane.

The first step on a long road, Tony. Don’t waver. You can listen to the interview here.

Bye-bye Bryce

Political, to the bitter end

Political, to the bitter end

A thoroughly decent and honourable man, former defence force chief Peter Cosgrove, will be the Governor-General from March – and not a moment too soon.

Vowing to keep out of politics, he will be a welcome change from his predecessor, Quentin Bryce, a thorough embarrassment to the office, who frequently blundered in to highly sensitive matters (always from the Left, naturally) where she had no place to be.

Here are a few cringeworthy examples from the ACM archives:

October 2008 – Governor-General gets political

“Andrew Bolt is rightly fuming that the new GG, Ms Quentin Bryce, will launch the book version of the Garnaut report. She doesn’t appear to have been told that as the representative in Australia of the Queen, she is supposed to put herself above politics, and represent all of us, not just those who vote Labor.”

October 2008 – GG speaks out on climate change

“Why would she do that, unless she had no idea whatsoever of the role she has accepted? She’s the Queen’s representative in Australia, and therefore above politics, but here she is, helping none other than Ross Garnaut, launch the book version of his report – a highly political document prepared for the Labor Government.”

[The photo shows Bryce with Ross Garnaut at the launch – story here]

January 2009 – GG gets political – yet again

“… she’s at it again, off on a jolly to Abu Dhabi to speak at the World Future Energy Summit (a fancy title for a gathering of eco-fundamentalists discussing solar and wind power), sharing the stage with Lord Stern, Tony Blair and none other than IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri. So clearly no politics there, then…?

She displays an extraordinary lack of judgement on these matters, and is showing herself to be wholly unsuitable for the role of GG of Australia.”

January 2009 – Deluded GG urges “climate action”

“OK, now I am sure that Quentin Bryce has lost the plot completely. Someone needs to sit her down, with a cup of milky tea, and explain just exactly what the role of Governor General is, because she clearly hasn’t a clue. It is certainly not to act as a shill for the climate change lobby and the Rudd government. Here are the words of former Governor General Michael Jeffery, which Bryce could do well to remember:

“One always tries to throw in ideas or suggestions without treading on any political toes because as a Governor-General you simply can’t do that,” he says. “It’s not your role to become controversial, to be agin the government or agin the opposition for that matter.” His job, he says, is “to help the machinery of government”, in the broadest sense.”

Later the same day:

Wong defends GG’s comments on climate change

“Here’s a little poser for you… what do you think Penny Wong would have said if the GG had come out as an AGW sceptic? Can you imagine Penny saying that the GG has every right to participate in the debate? It would be outrage on all sides, “shouldn’t meddle in politics”, not her place, inappropriate for representative of the Queen to get involved, harumph harumph…

As usual, double standards rule in the climate change debate.”

Bryce seems to have managed to keep her trap shut on climate from then on, but at the very end, managed to eat the two highly political topics of a Republic and gay marriage together with a lump of E. Coli, and then sprayed them out of her arse at 300 miles an hour (© Malcolm Tucker):

Ms Bryce spoke out in favour of gay marriage during her Boyer Lecture address last night, stating she hoped Australia might become a nation where “people are free to love and marry whom they choose”.

She then added: “And where perhaps, my friends, one day, one young girl or boy may even grow up to be our nation’s first head of state.”

Which prompted my open letter to the GG:

November 2013 – Letter to the Governor-General

“That a representative of the Queen should advocate for a republic is beyond my comprehension, whilst expressing a position on same-sex marriage, a matter which is highly political and contentious, is entirely inappropriate for a person occupying the role of Governor General.”

No reply, or even an acknowledgment, has, to date, been forthcoming. Oh well, swept into the dustbin of history at last.

Switzer: Game up for carboncrats

Where's Brendan Nelson?

Alarmists ice bound, like Chris Turney

Given that this is in the Silly Moaning Herald, we can expect at least five articles over the next week, from the usual suspects, all rubbishing Tom Switzer’s piece and lashing him with predictable ad homs.

But at least the chai-latte-sipping, sandal-wearing, yoghurt-knitting, muesli-chomping, inner-city, urban-Green readers of the Silly will be exposed to a different point of view (for once) …

Contrary to media stereotypes, many so-called sceptics – such as Abbott, John Howard, Maurice Newman and this writer – recognised that the rise in carbon dioxide as a result of the burning of fossil fuels led to moderate warming.

But because we questioned the doomsday scenarios and radical, costly government-directed plans to decarbonise the economy, we were denounced as “deniers”.

Those days are over.

Thanks to Abbott’s forceful critique of Labor’s ETS/carbon tax, and the persistent failure of the carboncrats to reach legally binding global agreements, Australians have risen up against this madness.

At last, there is recognition not just that there are at least two sides to every story, but that when sophisticates seek to shut down debate, it amounts to an attack on the public interest.

That is why the anti-carbon zealots have become so defensive. The game is up.

The idea of climate mitigation – carbon taxes, cap and trade, channelling taxpayer subsidies to wind and solar power – destroyed the leaderships not only of Malcolm Turnbull in 2009 and Rudd in 2010, but also of Julia Gillard and Rudd (again) last year.

And although the Coalition’s approval ratings have declined since the election, polls also show that opposition to the carbon tax remains high.
Last year’s Lowy Institute survey said that only 40 per cent (down from nearly 70 per cent in 2006) think climate change is serious and requires action.

And yet, despite this changing (political) climate, Opposition leader Bill Shorten still opposes the repeal of the carbon tax.

If Labor’s divorce from the Greens is genuine, he should support the PM’s legislation, lest he meet the same fate as his fellow deniers [sic] and become a laughing stock.

Hilarious! The sub-ed’s brain, soaked with incessant green dogma, was so used to slagging off the sceptics that he subconsciously replaced “alarmists” with “deniers”. LOL, as they say.

Read it here.